Friday, 8 August 2014


Friday night at review that! HQ this week involved a trip to the the cinema. Tonight we saw Hercules.

Now Hercules l, for me, is a much loved Disney film. "Bless my soul, Herc was on a roll" etc etc. I can sing it all. A live action Hercules film is not exactly my thing. If I'm honest, I've seen everything I want to at the cinema and am seeing the inbetweeners on Monday. So it was a bit of a see Hercules or stay home situation.

Well I am glad I went to see Hercules. My brother beforehand had asked me why I was going and couldn't understand why I'd go and see this film. I had agreed with him. Sometimes I think going in with low expectations is beneficial. There is so room for disappointment.

Hercules provided a good hour and a half of entertainment. There was enough of a storyline to keep it exciting without too much fighting. It wasn't overly complicated so I didn't get confused (confusion is common for me). There were some twists to keep you interested. My main worry was that it would be an hour and a half of fighting, which it wasn't. I really dislike a lot of fighting in films. Hercules perhaps went on a bit too long in the first fight, but it redeemed itself by not constantly continuing the fighting.

One thing I did not care for really was the fact that there was one American in the film. 99% of the cast had European accents with the exception of Hercules himself. The rock could have attempted to do something with his voice. Maybe he did and it was just pretty bad!

What I liked about the film was that it wasn't to serious. Often with films like this everyone is trying so hard and they are so worried about being taken seriously. This inevitably leads to it being bad. Hercules had enough humour to make it lighthearted without it being silly or fall into the comedy sector.

Overall all three of us were pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the film. Happy customers.

Hercules is not as bad as you might think.

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