Friday, 8 August 2014

impractical jokers

Last year BBC 3 started a show called  impractical jokers. 4 comedians compete in challenges and either pass or fail. For example they may have to go up to a stranger and convince them they know them. If they don't they fail.
Each show consists of a number of challenges and the person who loses has to do a particularly embarrassing challenge at the end.

I instantly fell in love with the show. I can't explain why but I find it hysterical. It makes me laugh so hard my stomach aches.

A few months later I was having a conversation with a friend who mentioned she loved impractical jokers. It got me very excited. But then she mentioned the impractical jokers she loved was American.

Well this moment changed my life.

Ever since, I have been hooked.

Unfortunately I am limited to watching what I can on you tube. But I watch it over and over. Sometimes I watch 5 or 6 episodes in 1 go. I watch it until I can't laugh any more. Frequently my dad will ask me if I'm ok because I'm laughing so hard.

Now I still love the British version. I love Rosin Conaty especially. I want to go to the pub with her. The British show is on late at night so I have to control my laughter so I don't wake anyone up! But what the American show has that the British version doesn't, is the relationship between the jokers. They have known each other since high school so they know exactly what each other is thinking and what will really embarrass them. They have stories about each other and history together. You just can't make that stuff up.

So next time you need a good laugh I would recommend looking up impractical jokers. I challenge you not to laugh.

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