Today I made scones for the very first time. I have been wanting to make them for a long time but have been told they are quite difficult to make. I enjoy baking and like to challenge myself to make new things. I have had many a disaster!
This is the link to the recipe I used.
I thought that this recipe was really very good. The method is simple enough. I make sure I was and dry my hands thoroughly before starting. This is important with a recipe because you have to rub the flour and butter together. You need cold hands to do this and the washing helps. Plus you're putting your hands in your food so it would be gross if you didn't wash them.
I choose not to put in the lemon juice. This was just because I didn't have any! I just put in some extra vanilla. I also brushed my scones with milk rather than eggs. Again this was because there were no eggs in the house, but I'm also allergic to eggs so my body is happy!
After mixing the milk in with a knife, I split my mix in 2 and added sultanas to one half. I love sultanas! But they are nice either way.
In all I would recommend this recipe. Simple and delicious!
MMMmmmmmmm this looks yummy!xx